The dedicated PRS USA division places energy, construction and facilities management professionals at all skill and experience levels into public and private sector roles across North America.

From our US headquarters in Houston, our dedicated recruitment team provides permanent staff for a range of high-profile building projects, from bespoke data center builds to major highway projects.

PRS USA also works with clients to provide the vital facilities talent they need to manage the services and processes that support core business operations.




PRS US - Green Data Centers in the USA The Future is Here

Green Data Centers in the USA: The Future is Here

For some time now, data centers across the US have been the focus of many conversations in regards to sustainability and their impact on the environment. How can data centers using so much power ever be green? Thankfully, the future is here – green data centers are now sweeping across the USA, and look to…

PRS - What is the outlook like for US Data Centers in 2023 Steel Blue

What is the outlook like for US Data Centers in 2023?

Over the last two years, US data centers have seen not only an increase in demand for talent – particularly in construction and facilities management positions – but also an increase in competition, salary increases and career advancement. Following the peak of COVID-19 in the US, the Great Resignation had a huge impact on the…

PRS US - How renewable energy is taking The United States by storm

How renewable energy is taking The United States by storm

The race is on. With the US committing to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, and reaching net zero emissions by 2050, there’s a lot of work to be done.  We’re en route. Nearly a quarter of the way there in fact. The federal government’s Short Term Energy Outlook has the sector positioned…